Changing Careers: It’s Never Too Late to Go Back to School

September 11th, 2024 by Sherri Leblanc

Feeling like you’re stuck in a bit of a rut, career-wise? Or maybe you’ve found yourself dreaming of something more fulfilling, interesting, or even just in need of a change?

You’re not alone.

In 2023, roughly half of Canadians expressed a desire to change their careers. However, the majority of people feeling that way didn’t make the move, largely owing to worries, insecurities, and generally not knowing where to begin.

Taking the first steps to a career change, however, isn’t always as difficult as it seems. Education is often one of the main gateways into new industries and shifting up your career, and it’s never really “too late” to go back to school.

Private colleges like CTS Canadian Career College, and other institutions in Ontario, serve a diverse student body, with some courses having at one time or another a majority of students who are leaving one career and looking forward to the next.

That in mind, if you’re considering a career change, here are some of the reasons there’s no better time than now to look into making that leap.

A Growing Trend of Career Changers

As we mentioned earlier, a sizable percentage of Canadians feel like their current career or industry has run its course. Whether it’s the pursuit of a lifelong passion, the desire for better pay, or simply the need for a new challenge, more and more adults are rethinking their career paths. 

It’s not only younger adults who have freshly graduated and discovered that their career fields aren’t what they imagined. Most of the studies out there suggest that it’s adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who’ve worked in an industry for ten years or more that are increasingly looking for change. However, it’s also these age groups who are the most hesitant when it comes to making this change in the first place.

Overcoming the Challenges of Going Back to School

The idea of going back to school as an adult can be daunting. That’s perfectly normal. For some of us, it might have been decades since we last set foot in a classroom. However, career training today probably looks pretty different than what it did during your school years.

In fact, many of the things that might be causing us to be hesitant are both very common among older learners but also easily surmountable.

Let’s look at a few:

  • Age: You might worry about being the oldest in the class, or maybe even surrounded by people half your age or less. However, today,  adult learners are far from rare. In fact, the diversity in age and experience is increasingly becoming the norm. As we mentioned earlier, here at CTS, we serve a wide variety of students, and many of our programs are actually more popular among adult learners than younger students. So there’s the strong possibility that you’ll be in a classroom with your peers!
  • Time Commitment: Balancing education with work, family, and other responsibilities is another issue that becomes more common as time goes on. Fortunately, private career colleges like our own, offer a variety of flexible learning options. We have courses offered in person, hybrid distance, or even fully online. Even better, most of the programs only take up four or five hours of your day, giving you plenty of time to take care of the rest of your commitments after class.
  • Financial Concerns: Education is an investment, and the cost can be intimidating. However, in Ontario we’re fortunate to have a ton of funding options available. Even better- at CTS Canadian Career College, we have a dedicated financial aid office who assigns an advisor to every student to help you navigate the funding options and apply for the available grants, bursaries, and loans available.

The Benefits of Returning to Education as an Adult

Apart from achieving that change you’ve always desired, there are many advantages to returning to school as an adult. 

For one, your work and life experiences can greatly enhance your learning experience. Your background can give you a clearer understanding of what you want to achieve and how you can get there. It can also make acquiring new complementary skills much easier than going in without any background knowledge.

You’re also likely to be more driven and focused than a younger student who might not have their mind made up and could just be seeing higher education as the logical next step. When you go to a career college as an adult, everyone knows that you’re there to train, learn, and get ready to return to the job market.

It will also help that once you graduate, you’ll not only have new skills and training to show, but your past experience could also give you an edge when seeking employment.

How CTS Canadian Career College Supports Adult Learners

At CTS Canadian Career College, we understand the unique challenges and needs of adult learners. That’s why we offer a range of programs and services designed to support you every step of the way.

  • Flexible Learning Options: Depending on your program of interest, we have in-person, distance, hybrid, or other online learning options available.
  • Personalized Support: Our dedicated advisors are here to help you navigate your educational journey, offering personalized attention and guidance through enrollment, to funding, to post-graduation success.
  • Work Placements: One of the biggest challenges for breaking into any industry is landing experience. Most of our programs come with work placements, ensuring you get some experience under your belt before you graduate.

Final Thoughts

It’s never too late to change your career and pursue a more fulfilling life. Education is a powerful tool that can help you make it happen, and CTS Canadian Career College is here to support you on your journey. Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back—explore our programs today and take the first step toward your new career.

Ready to take the next step? Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about how CTS Canadian Career College can help you achieve your career goals.