Archive for 2024

Top 7 Advantages of Become a Paralegal in Ontario

July 3rd, 2024
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The life of a paralegal is often busy, usually rewarding, and rarely mundane.  As part of a legal team, they prepare legal documents, conduct research to assist lawyers, and even some advising in small claims and other legal matters. While they’re not lawyers themselves, they’re nevertheless well-trained legal experts who fill in-demand positions in the… View Article

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) – What You Need to Know

financial aid and osap for college courses
June 26th, 2024
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Post-secondary education in Canada is among the most affordable in the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s not without expenses. Fortunately, in Ontario, students pursuing postsecondary education in the form of career college programs at institutions like CTS Canadian Career College have access to a diverse range of financial aid options to help offset the… View Article

Become a Paramedic for Free with the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant

paramedic training program
June 18th, 2024
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Postsecondary education opens a lot of doors, and like all opportunities, it is also an investment. Fortunately, Ontario is one of the top provinces in Canada where funding for your education and post-graduation employment are concerned. Not only can students like you potentially access funding to reduce the cost of your education, but there are… View Article

Top Career Paths for Medical Lab Technician (MLAT) Graduates

June 11th, 2024
Medical Laboratory Assistants/Technicians (often abbreviated to MLAT) are skilled healthcare professionals responsible for conducting laboratory tests and analyses. Working behind the scenes in hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, and other healthcare settings, Medical Lab Technicians play a vital role in providing accurate and timely laboratory results that inform medical and research decisions. As such, students who graduate… View Article

Employee Wellbeing Month: Tips for the Workplace

employee wellbeing month at cts
June 4th, 2024
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The month of June is known for a lot of things.  It’s the first month when summer begins, it enjoys having the longest day of the year, and it’s also when a lot of schools and even career colleges might wind down until the fall. At CTS Canadian Career College, every June also marks our… View Article

High School Scholarship: $2500 for All Eligible Students

funding for high school students program
May 29th, 2024
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Making the jump from high school to a career college program can seem a little daunting for some. It’s a new routine, with new challenges, but also plenty of opportunities. Fortunately, jumping straight into a college program as you prepare for your future career has never been easier thanks to the newly expanded CTS Canadian… View Article